Why do energy efficient windows help reduce condensation?

Will new windows eliminate condensation?

  • · Condensation is a direct result of interior humidity and the difference between indoor and outside air temperature.
  • · Warm moist are seeks a cold surface. This is a basic law of physics.
  • · A glass with ice will form condensation. The moist air in the heated room is seeking a cold surface.
  • · If you keep the humidity in your house low, then the likelihood of experiencing condensation is also low.
  • · However, the efficiency of your window will also impact the temperature and humidity level at which condensation occurs.
  • · High performance windows with low U-factors result in inside glass surface temperatures much closer to the room air temperature
  • · Windows with warm edge technologies and non-metal frames are also less likely to have condensation on the frame or at the edge of the glass
  • · Insulated, high efficiency windows greatly reduce condensation on the interior surface of the glass
  • Note that in certain conditions (humid mornings after a clear night sky), windows may have dew on their outside surface
  • This “dew” appearance is a sure sign your windows work. Your new high efficiency windows do not change with the exterior conditions.
  • The dew will dissipate as the morning wears on.